Kii Peninsula


The Kii Peninsula,
a sacred land of prayer.

Since ancient times, the mountainous Kii Peninsula, which spans the prefectures of Mie, Nara, and Wakayama, has been considered a special region because of the belief that Shinto and Buddhist deities dwell in its heavily forested and rugged natural landscape.
The Kii Mountains have had a significant influence on the development and exchange of unique Japanese religious ideas and culture throughout history because of its amazing natural abundance. Key locations of cultural development in the peninsula include “Kumano,” which is considered a pure land of reborn belief; “Ise,” an important location for the Shinto faith; Mt. Koya, a sacred place of Buddhism; and both “Yoshino” and “Omine” as holy locations in the Shugendo faith, which combines Shinto and Buddhist beliefs into its practices.
“Thus, it became a unique region with a mystical atmosphere, a place where one can perceive the universe, nature, and oneself, dispelling the limitations of time and space. The influence of nature in the Kii Peninsula has truly created a profound and sacred area that is open to the prayers of all.

Kii Peninsula


Kumano Kodo
[Mie, Wakayama & Nara]

Feel the energy of nature along
the Kumano Kodo.

The “Kumano Kodo” paths lead to the Kumano Sanzan (the 3 Grand Shrines of Kumano) and Nachi Falls. In the past, despite poor accessibility, worshippers came here from all over the country because it was a “place of revival” for all pilgrims, regardless of social status, age, or gender. The road to Kumano was so hard that it was thought to skirt the boundary between life and death, creating the illusion of being in a different world. Because of this difficulty, those who were able to complete this pilgrimage were said to have achieved a form of “rebirth.”


Yoshino/Omine [Nara]

Yoshino/Omine: a mysterious land
that regenerates the soul.

In spring, about 30,000 cherry trees blossom in the mountain temple district of Mt. Yoshino which is a famous location for Shugendo ascetic practices.
Mt. Yoshino is home to many shrines and temples, including Kinpusen-ji Temple, where yamabushi (Shugendo practitioners) from all over the country gather as part of their journey along the Omine Okugakemichi Pilgrimage Route.
The mountain range from Yoshino to Kumano, where strict ascetic practices are performed is collectively referred to as “Ominesan,” including Mt. Omine itself where an old religious ban on women entering the grounds of the mountain is still upheld. It is said that practitioners walk this ancient path of faith to seek salvation for themselves and others through the process of gaining mystical powers via continuous training in the natural environment of the mountains. Even today, mountaineering monks continue to traverse these mountains in order to reflect on themselves and regenerate their souls.



Koyasan, a place where people
meditate across space and time.

Koyasan, a sacred site of esoteric Buddhism in Japan, was founded by the priest Kukai to pray for the nation’s peace and security and to foster those who could be of service to humanity. Koyasan is a place of meditation where you can immerse yourself in the magnificent nature of the Kii Mountains. This holy precinct, which attracts people of faith from all around the country, is where monks have studied and practiced Buddhism for ages, and where many great samurai have been laid to rest.


Ise-Shima [Mie]
Sacredness Sun worship
in Japan

Ise-Shima, the homeland of the heart.

The area of Ise-Shima contains many sacred locations that appear in old Japanese myths and legends. The Ise Jingu is considered the spiritual home of the Japanese people because Amaterasu Omikami, the great Sun Goddess and a supreme deity of Japan, is enshrined here, making it a very sacred location that many people wish to visit at least once in their lives. Located on the “Path of the Sun,” which follows the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, the route from Ise Bay to Awaji Island is brimming with sacred power.


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